Friday, September 19, 2008

Only for above 60

Are you happily Enjoying this period of life?????

If Yes

Keep enjoying but read on, the following content might be helpful to add somthing to your joy.

If not "Try these.......

  1. Do exercises according to your health.
  2. Choose your hobby which you have not done in your young age, may be because of lack of time.
  3. Besides your problems, try to make at least one person laugh daily.
  4. Try to spend a portion of your money according to your budget every day on food(or welfare) of poor children. This amount can be Re.1 Only
  5. Remember your friends, your childhood or young age memories but that should be the happy memories.
  6. If possible make group of friends. Trust me, friends of this age are more devotee/not selfish.
  7. Try to organise a small picnic with your friend(s) or kids.
  8. Do whatever you want to, if, it does not hurnt anyone, like singing loudly.
  9. Develop interest in any indoor game.
  10. This is the right time when you can do something for society and for your inner satisfaction which you didn't get in earning for your family.

If you like the content pls. don't hesitate in writing to me.

If you have any specific socio-psycological problem, I might help you.

Keep visiting for next tips to be followed soon.